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Cymbiotika® Mineral Shilajit

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Cymbiotika Shilajit Black Gold Live Resin® (15g net content) is a complex mineral nutrient sourced from high elevations in pristine parts of the world. Shilajit Resin is rich with fulvic acid, humic acid, vitamins, enzymes, tocopherols, bioflavonoids, antioxidants, and metabolites that combat free radicals in your body.

Cymbiotika Shilajit Black Gold Live Resin® contains the highest gold content in the world.

Shilajit Live Resin® is a mineral resin formed from the decomposition of plant matter and earth with the help of microorganisms. We use a hybrid resin blend from most mountain ranges of the world where Shilajit raw material is available. Our shilajit represents the best flora of refermented plants from these regions.
How to enjoy: Use as directed by your healthcare provider.
Dosage may be increased according to your needs. Can be taken daily, in the morning or at night.
Using the small scooper, measure out your desired dose of Shilajit resin. Place into a cup of warm water, tea or coffee to dissolve as a healing elixir.

Store: Keep in a cool, dark place or refrigerate after opening. Do not freeze.
*To be used as directed by your healthcare provider or physician.

Disclaimer: If you are pregnant, nursing a baby, or have a chronic medical condition such as diabetes, hypertension or heart disease, be sure to consult your doctor or pharmacist before purchasing or taking any supplement.

Ingredients: Purified Mineral Pitch Resin (Contains 333 ppm Elemental Gold and 100 ppm Elemental Silver)

About Cymbiotika
Safe for the body. Safe for the home. Safe for you.⁣
Cymbiotika's mission is to empower people to take ownership of their health and live with intention, one healthy habit at a time. When you choose Cymbiotika, you’re choosing premium, quality ingredients you can trust. You’re choosing to prioritize yourself so you can show up for the ones you love. At the end of the day, this is more than a simple purchase—it's a personal commitment to your health because your best and most important investment is YOU.