Quidel - DipStick Strep A Test
- 50 Tests per box
- FDA-cleared and CLIA waived
- Results in 5 minutes
The suggested CPT code is 87880QW.* The Medicare National Limit amount** is $16.53.
The test is CLIA waived.
Quidel recommends that positive and negative controls be run once for each untrained operator, once for each new shipment of kits – provided that each different lot received in the shipment is tested – and as deemed additionally necessary by your internal quality control procedures, and in accordance with Local, State, and Federal regulations or accreditation requirements.
The shelf life is 24 months from date of manufacture. All kits should be stored at room temperature (59°F to 86°F, 15°C to 30°C).
It is recommended that swab specimens be processed as soon as possible after collection. Swabs can be held in any clean, dry plastic tube or sleeve up to 72 hours at room temperature (15°C to 30°C), or refrigerated (2°C to 8°C) before processing. The use of charcoal or agar medium is not recommended.
In order to guarantee the performance claims described in the Package Insert, we recommend using the sterile rayon-tipped swabs provided in the kit. To order additional swabs, use Quidel Cat. #20227. Do not use calcium alginate, cotton-tip or wooden-shaft swabs.
Quidel's industry-leading expertise in immunoassay and molecular testing allows patients, clinicians and communities to spot trends sooner, improve response time, and provide answers that save lives.